From China to Germany

“This is more than just a chronicle of a child’s growth; it’s a platform for sharing the profound experiences of parenting with everyone. It encompasses the joy of birth, the trials of nurturing, the collisions of national cultures, and the deepest love of parents for the continuation of their own lives.”

About China

  • 9.597 million km² + 1.4 billion inhabitants
  • 56 official ethnic groups with their own traditions
  • 24/7 existence between urban dynamism and rural tranquillity, people have a strong sense of family, a deep respect for hierarchy and an appreciation of harmony over conflict.

About Germany

  • 357,592 km² + 83.28 million inhabitants
  • 16 federal states
  • A very social society, people tend to be thrifty, sensible and respectful of each other’s privacy.

Tales of Parenting

From the instant of your arrival, each of your smiles and gestures tenderly graced my heart. Henceforth, my joys and sorrows ceased to be mine alone.